There are certain famous artists that have made millions off their talents in music. Michael Jackson for dancing and singing. Madonna is known for entertaining and unique dancing. Many of these artists have been giving a certain title. For example, Michael Jackson is known as the King Of Pop. A new young artist, Justin Bieber, is calling himself the next King Of Pop. I think this is outrageous and completely ridiculous.
Michael Jackson is a famous and well-known being. He spent decades making music that everyone loved or at least respected. He had many issues with his image. He had very many plastic surgeries, changed his race, and he was accused of bad things. However, when he died recently, he was well missed and respected.
Justin Bieber has been popular for less than a year. He was discovered on youtube. He is well loved by teenage girls. What about everyone else? Adults don't find his music appealing and neither do guys. He has some hits that lasted a few weeks. "One Time" was the top song for a few weeks. What about Michael Jackson though? He's had millions of records sold, and many of his hit songs lasted longer then any of Justin’s. Michael Jackson is a legendary icon that everyone knows. Justin Bieber is only 16! How can he be calling himself the King Of Pop? He has no experience being a musician.
The King Of Pop is a huge honor. Michael Jackson deserves it after a long successful career. I think it’s insulting to make a new teenage artist The King Of Pop after less then a year of being popular. Many people have to work really, really hard to get a tenth of how much Justin Bieber makes. Justin Bieber hasn’t even begun to compare to Michael Jackson. If he wants to become the King Of Pop, he has to make his career much more memorable and appeal to more then just teenage girls.