Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Did You Know

Did You Know 3.0 has amazingly surprising facts that you would never think would be possible or true. The video said that students are being prepared for jobs that don’t exist yet, involving technology that hasn’t been invented yet, to solve problems that aren’t problems yet. How would they do that? Prepare people for jobs that don't exist, but it's still mandatory because there wouldn't be any jobs for them if they weren't making new jobs constantly.

Apparently we are going to learn more in the next year then in the past 5,000 years!! How much will we know in 2020? When I imagined the future, I always thought of flying hovercrafts and see through touch screens and crazy technology like that, but I never thought it could actually happen in my lifetime. It’s amazing how advanced they make technology. We know about what happened millions and millions of years ago, and we can predict stuff thousands of years into the future.

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